Re: expectation & degradation: PORT

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by murph the surf on May 06, 1997 at 11:15:22:

In Reply to: Re: expectation & degradation posted by alex galloway on May 05, 1997 at 15:37:48:

Several of the projects for PORT explored what could perhaps be methods of
digital degradation:

"rDNA (imagined" by Prema Murthy captured chat text, fed it through
mac-in-talk then transmitted the results via RealAudio. The original chat
text was then retransmitted using Look@Me. That in turn sparked new chat
text. The text circulated between visual and audial in the MIT List Center
and on the Internet.

"turbulence" by Helen Thorington used the audio tapes from each previous
week to build a new live performance. (I'm not sure if she was recording
digitally or not).

One of my favorite things to do in the gallery was to take the camera we
used for CU-SeeMe and point it at one of the screens. The video was then
transmitted back to the screen from a remote location and the result was me
capturing the screen capturing me capturing the screen....

And of course there is a degredation of language (or narratives) in the
chat sessions. Meaning often fell apart and reformed especially when there
were a number of different languages being used (apart from the fact that
we all speak our own personal languages).

Of course, as Nino pointed out, this was dependent upon forms of
participation as much as the technology. If we had been thinking more about
degredation we could have experimented more and next time we will.


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